
Thank you for dropping by - I so appreciate your taking the time to look at my blog,
I create one of a kind unique characters . I am passionate about my art and love to incorporate whimsy and usual elements or themes into my pieces. Although I create dolls for all seasons and holidays, I must admit that I adore Halloween and love to make witches and pumpkins and things that go bump in the night.

My work has been published in Art Doll Quarterly and Prims .....Cordelia and Niles, my witch and cat combination were honored to be on the cover of the 2012 Autumn issue of Art Doll Quarterly

I have an Etsy Shop Primville where you will find items for sale and I take limited commissions

email me to be put on list to receive advance notification of listings or to discuss a commission piece.


kathie@campbellisi.com email

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Humpty Pumpty a Whimsical Pumpkin Man.

This whimsical Pumpkin Man is 17" Tall x 8" Wide and 10" Deep, sitting on his stool.  The Black Wooden stool is 7" Tall x 6" wide and 5" deep.  He is fashioned from Polymer and Paper clay over a Styrofoam and wire armature. Pumpty is painted in various colors with artist acrylics and double sealed with a matte varnish.  He has a top hat fashioned from paper adorned with a bit of ribbon.

He is available for sale in my Etsy Shop, PRIMVILLE.